Monday, September 13, 2004

Rove to Kerry: You've been Framed


It's not your fault, so don't get defensive. But the fact is that you're playing defense. The Republicans have set almost every political agenda since Clinton left, and they're forcing you to respond to their agenda. The end result is you are forced into trying to come up with better alternatives to their agenda.

The problem is, people intuitively see this dynamic and feel that Bush is leading, and therefore see you just taking pot shots at the Administration.

W is perceived to be framing every issue (especially the war on terror), and this is what people associate with leadership.

Having plans to do things better is not what Americans want right now, because we're not in peaceful times. Plans are what people want when we are at peace. Actions are what people look for when times are tough.

W has taken ownership of the fact that times are tough. You need to take this issue back, pronto. Your domestic agenda will win with America if they hear it. But they won't hear it unless you get over the war-on-terror hump, and you need to do it with proposed actions, not plans.

Some sound bites to help you get over the war-on-terror hump:

"I will re-focus the War on Terror back to actual terror organizations, because America will be safer when Al Q'aida and other terror networks are destroyed."

"I will focus on terror like a laser beam. I will not be distracted by ghosts that haunt people stuck in fighting wars 10, 20, or 30 years ago."

"I will create the largest counter-terrorism unit in America's history. And I will do it without waiting for a Commission to recommend it."

"I will resolve the North Korean crisis that this administration has let fester. I will never allow unstable regimes to build nuclear weapons while standing by, hoping that they will not use them."

"I will work with the Arab Leaders to dismantle Iran's nuclear program. Again, as President, I will not sit back and watch these programs be built. A nuclear Iran is dangerous to the region, and for that reason alone, we will get cooperation from Iran's neighbors."

"As President, I will use America's weight and power to ensure the world is safer for America and our allies. For this reason, we will make more allies instead of less allies. We will have more helping hands in the world, instead of less helping hands in the world. The America I want to lead will deliver us to a brighter, safer, more prosperous future."