Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Rove to Kerry: Tell Them Your Story, With a Little Help From The Boss


It's time to break out the big guns and create the required energy to get those all-important new voters, independent voters, and undecided voters to the polls on November 2.

You know how it's going to work: If traditional voters come out in record numbers, Bush wins. If we see a surge in new and independent voters, you win.

Let the Music Tell Your Story

Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen is so committed to the cause that he's actively campaigning with you. We need to tap this precious American Icon even further.

We need to ask him to write a song -- an upbeat, "The Boss"-style optimistic anthem that creates and captures the enthusiasm of a nation ready for change. Ask him to write a mini-anthem along the lines of Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up" that will inspire people to get up off their butts to vote in droves on election day.

The Kerry Story: Making The Ad

People are very close to the details right now. And scandals are rocking the Bush administration as we speak. Let's give America one more chance to look at you as they saw you in the debates: a competent, confident, experienced leader. Let's do this with music and images in a TV ad. Think of it as a Kerry recap.

The Boss's song should be the focus of the ad, and should be played while showing voters a video montage of images from your life -- your unique story. The John Kerry Story needs to be the story that Americans connect with their hopes and dreams. Show them images from your career as a soldier, protecting America...images with you as a Senator with former Presidents...images of you and John McCain working together to close the books on missing Vietnam Vets...and inspiring images from your campaign for President. The "slide show" story needs to be as inspiring as the soundtrack. The Boss's lyrics will convey the required emotion, and the images will reinforce your candidacy with this emotion.

End the ad with a female voiceover and large, white text:
"On Tuesday, November 2, You Will Have the Power to Shape America's Future. Please Use Your Power Wisely."

This final tagline is going to be effective because "shaping America's future" means "change." And Change=Kerry. Yes, it's a bit risky to be indirect, but you'll be appealing to the cynical voters who will appreciate your appeal to the American tradition and belief that voting is the cornerstone of our society. And these are the people who we need to vote -- the people who think their vote doesn't matter.

Music is a very powerful carrier of emotion, and Bruce is a very powerful artist and icon. Attaching your unique story to Bruce's music, hope, and optimism will be a powerful message. And ending the ad with an inspiring, yet seemingly non-partisan final statement about voting will allow people to see you as a true uniter. Actions speak louder than words, and an ad of this nature will speak volumes about you, your campaign, your character, and your story. It will make "W" seem petty in comparison.

People tend to vote for the best story -- a story that inspires them and gives them hope. Give them that story, John. It's not too late.