Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Rove to Kerry: To the Moon, or to Energy Independence?


A few days after the press decided that "W" wasn't a visionary President compared to others, he came out of the blue with a plan to visit Mars.

After everyone stopped scratching their heads as to the context of this "grand vision" of his, America really hasn't heard a peep about this initiative, and frankly, they don't seem to care.

And I wonder why? Oh, maybe because we're under attack from terrorists, Osama is still on the loose, and we still rely on terror training countries like Saudi Arabia for our oil. Or maybe it's just because no one really believes he really cares about Mars. It's probably both.

In any case, other than "beating the enemy," Bush doesn't really have much of that "vision thing." But it sounds like you do. You just need to sell it as a vision, and not a policy or plan.

Let's use your energy policy as a vision platform to differentiate you from this administration:

"The world has changed since 9/11, and America has a choice as to the direction we want to take as a nation. On the one hand, we can continue down the path this administration has put us on: wars with the wrong countries, no plans to reduce our reliance on foreign oil, no allies, and...Something about going to Mars by building a Moon Station. I guess this was supposed to be his "grand vision" for America.

Because Americans deserve a choice, let me share with you my vision for America:

- I will beat terror by focusing on terrorist organizations, and applying international pressure to dangerous regimes. This way, our troops are focused on the immediate threat -- terror -- and our allies work with us to ensure that gathering threats do not become dangerous.

- I will put America on the path of energy independence. This means we will not need to rely on other nations for our energy. This is the most important vision for America at this time. If we can create and manage our own power, then we will not need to succumb to OPEC deals and support corrupt regimes any longer. Energy independence is the only way for America to remain safe and secure in the future.

- I will redirect the money that President Bush inked for the Mars mission into making America the global leader of the Hydrogen Economy. America has always prospered by being the innovator in business. First, it was agriculture, then it was the assembly line, then it was finance, and most recently it was the Internet. No matter what the economic engine, America was on the forefront, and America prospered as a result. I will lead America to the forefront of the next growth opportunity for our economy: the Hydrogen Economy. This will create new jobs, create new opportunities for prosperity, and create new leadership in energy creation and distribution. The rest of the world will once again look up to America as a leader in technology innovation, and we will again begin exporting our products overseas... instead of exporting our jobs overseas.

Being President in 2004 is about safety, security, prosperity, innovation and reputation. Americans shouldn't settle for just one of these... when they can have it all.

Americans deserve more. And my administration will deliver."